The inscribed parallelepiped in convex body in three space
Some Algebra about Simplices. Inequalities
Ομιλία στην Ε.Μ.Ε. Μάρτιος 2014. Κ.Δόρτσιος, Γ.Τσίντσιφας
Γεωμετρία Affine. Εφαρμογές.
A convex body in the Lattice plane
Integral point property of a convex body in the Lattice plane
A characterization of a centrosymmetric convex figure
Two triangle inequalities
In this paper our aim is to present a method working in the inequalities between two triangles.
The birds symphony
Γεωμετρία Affine
The tetrahedron
Max.and Min. Problems for the tetrahedron
Affine Geometry
Affinedistances Affine Geometry. The distance from a point to the line